Explore projects
A Habbo Server Emulator written in Java. (ms 3.x has been discontinued, please target ms4/supernova)
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An open-source Arcturus Community Fork. (ms 3.x has been discontinued, please target ms4/dev)
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NitroWebsockets is a plugin that adds Nitro HTML5 Client compatibility to any hotel running Arcturus MS 3.0.0 and above.
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A Habbo Server Emulator written in Java. (ms 3.x has been discontinued, please target ms4/supernova)
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A Habbo Server Emulator written in Java. (ms 3.x has been discontinued, please target ms4/supernova). SilverLit Fork for development purposes.
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A Habbo Server Emulator written in Java. (ms 3.x has been discontinued, please target ms4/supernova)
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A Community Habbo Emulator Written in Java by the talented developers listed in the readme. Based on Arcturus Emulator by TheGeneral
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A Habbo Server Emulator written in Java. (ms 3.x has been discontinued, please target ms4/supernova)
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A Habbo Server Emulator written in Java. (ms 3.x has been discontinued, please target ms4/supernova)